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Why am I Circumnavigating Vancouver Island

Hey there, happy people! Most of you probably know by now, but for those who don't, I'm gearing up to paddle around Vancouver Island. The idea has been brewing in my mind for years, but a busy life made it challenging to find the time for such a massive adventure. However, when a thought becomes almost obsessive, it's best to address and consider it! So, I've carved out roughly 30 days for this expedition before diving into my guiding and instructing season. The journey covers about 620 Nautical miles (1100 km). What initially started as a quest for a unique personal challenge to learn more about myself, push my skills, and experience something truly unique has evolved into something much more significant.

On July 4th, 2021, my friend Cam had a life-altering accident on the Puntledge River, severing his spinal cord and leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. I plan to use this adventure not just for personal growth but also as a platform to share Cam's incredible story and shed light on how amazing he is.

Now, regarding the "Where?" Well, Vancouver Island, obviously! But on a more serious note, the start and end points are still up in the air. Depending on the upcoming weather forecast and the Jetstream system's placement in the first week, I'll decide on the launch point. If we get strong NW winds and a favorable high-pressure system, I might kick off straight from Port Hardy, heading for the west coast while the weather's good. On the flip side, significant SE winds could have me starting in Victoria to ride those cold, wet low-pressure systems up the east coast. What if it's not a clear divide, you ask? Well, that's a problem for my future self to deal with. Good luck, sucker!

Now, the big questions: Who and why? In my opinion, these are crucial on any expedition. Why subject ourselves to storms, strain, discomfort, and even risk? When I began, my mind was set on breaking the record for the fastest unassisted solo circumnavigation of Vancouver Island. I craved glory and wanted to achieve something unprecedented. However, a Facebook post from Cameron changed everything. Cam is looking to raise $50,000 for Stem Cell treatment in Brazil. I aim to use this platform to spread his message and build a following for this incredibly deserving guy.

Cameron and I met back in 2013 when I was in 11th grade, new to the Island after my military family moved from Newfoundland to Comox/Courtenay. Meeting people when you're constantly moving is tough, so sports became my best method. After a summer of extensive fishing, I signed up for football in the fall, and that's where I first met Cam—a bundle of positivity, laughter, and lunacy. The hardest thing about him is finding a serious minute, not that he needed many. We became friends, spending nearly every weekend heading for an away game, with practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Even though we didn't go to the same schools, I saw a lot of the football boys. After high school, I became a guide, following my love for the bush, while Cam took a parallel but different route in the Forestry industry. Speaking to him in January brought about a funny feeling. Despite different paths, we had a very similar trajectory, both making a million mistakes in remote areas and learning and growing from them.

Seeing Cameron in January truly opened my eyes. Even through some of the toughest times I've ever heard someone go through, he laughed. His post-injury hospital care had complication after complication, yet he sits there, still the same happy guy I've always known. In lack of better words, I find that freaking inspiring. The resilience to endure so many hardships and smile at the end—a skill I hope to learn from him.

So now, my trip has new meaning, serving as both personal inspiration for tough times and a way to share Cameron's story. When I'm at my lows, I'll try to remember Cameron, look up to his ability to stay positive, and hopefully mimic it.

As for the "How?" well, you'll have to keep reading my future posts! My hope is to post weekly blog updates from now on. Being a full-time student studying biology at VIU, please forgive me if I can't quite keep up, but I'll do my best!

Thanks for reading, and until next time, have a different day than yesterday! Remember, variety is the spice of life.

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